Tuesday, June 30, 2009


this just makes me happy... and I'm loving the handmade paper, it's like artist crack!


Here's a goat drawing I did in charcoal pencil... I like it because I came to that point where I don't think it'll pull through, but I played with it and now it's a keeper. It's going in my July 3x3" show...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

logo artwork

A logo for a friend required some neat artwork, was fun to draw!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ego Surgery

How would you show a man's ego getting medically taken out? Here's how I did!

Monday, June 08, 2009

Yoga Pretzel

One of the humorous illustrations for the "Yoga for the Pleasingly Plump" book I'm working on finishing (I didn't write it, just doing the illustrations!). Along with the technical illustrations showing the poses, I'm doing some fun "anecdotal" cartoons that go along with Keith's personal experiences. This one is about the fear and misconceptions that Yoga has... ie, getting stuck in a pretzel shape!

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

yoga cartoon

This is a rough sketch proposal that I just really like, it's about being "pleasantly plump" on a plane, how it's impossible to get comfortable, you spill over the sides, and of course he's seated by a cute girl and really thin guy...