Monday, March 06, 2006

nibble, nibble

Oooooo, got a nibble from a graphic design firm in Austin looking for someone to do some horse illustrations for a book they're doing.

I was a little irritated that I didn't have a ton of scanned artwork in the computer to pull from. I guess all those horse drawings are either under the guest bed in portfolios, at the cabin in Arkansas, or who knows. I was all, "I've drawn horses for years, I can do it in my sleep... hey, where's all my friggin horse art?!"

I did have some recent artwork that featured horses if not the Old West, but if they're a good design firm, they'll be able to visualize what I could do for them... ...right?! (right.... sigh)

If it weren't so mind numbingly boring to scan in artwork, I would have everything digital and ready to go, but good god in heaven, how I hate to scan things! I found out with my publisher that Kinkos can scan a huge document for like 5 cents a page. As we handed over 130 pages, I felt like I lost 130 pounds because I wouldn't have to scan all those pages into the computer!

Well, I really hope to hear back from them. It doesn't sound like a big job, but... I mean, c'mon... it's horsies!!!

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