Saturday, April 21, 2007

God and Godess Party Pic

I figured Mike hadn't been featured in the blog for a while... and may not be happy with the chosen photo, but he DID want to be Steve the God of Hairdos. I'm Medusa so we sorta went together!

Love ya, hun! heehee

Friday, April 20, 2007

Out Takes!

Uh, oh. I got some disgruntled froggies. Going to be some tough competition in the next book!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Last Frame!

Yeeeehaw! This is the last frame of the first book of Camp Lizard! I still have some edits and some appendix fun stuff, but boy, it feels great to be sorta, kinda done!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

About the Shootings

"A respect should be found, for Life which goes around, and around, and around."
-from Little Bunny Kung Fu

Stories like this remind me of the concerns I've had that led to writing a simple story with an important theme: Respect for Life.

When people lose their worth in their own eyes and in eyes of others, this kind of horrible thing is what happens. These victims weren't people in the eyes of the killer, they were a body count and the higher the better. You couldn't have ANY respect for life, his or theirs, and be able to do this.

I hope we're able to teach children to respect life. I know there's a lot of adult entertainment out there that does not reinforce that, but if we can reach children when they're young, they have a better chance of assimilating what comes as they mature.

Ok, now I'm stepping off my soap dish... er, box.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Zoo Trip

(Click on to enlarge) Not a great day at the zoo, except the temperature which was great at 65 degrees. EVERYONE was there, on a Saturday I should've expected, but still... I got to tell a mother that Cheetos would make any animal in the zoo sick so she should probably not let her kids toss them down to the endangered wildlife. Just doing my part *sigh* But I always enjoy an art trek through the zoo. :)

Left Brain Credit

Ok, so my Left Brain felt left out for glossing over the plaid that I did digitally. It was all "Oh, sure, you share all the stuff with cute little critters and whimsical watercolors, but do I get any credit for my calculated execution of form and function resulting in a the complex tartan pattern?!"

So here you go, Leftie. Plaid. Oooo. Aaaaaaa.

Meet Fergus

Another year, another picture book! This is the character study for Fergus the Ferret. He is a little ferret from Scotland who gets a postcard from his cousins and takes a trip to North America to find them, but he always just misses them. The publisher is going to go ahead and have little plush dolls made like we did Little Bunny Kung Fu. (Yeah!)

The plaid in his hat, scarf and kilt I have tried and failed to paint. Even doing it slowly in layers of watercolor, it would turn to mush, and the precision that makes plaid... um, plaid is lost, so I contrived a way to do it digitally. And just to point out, I did make that plaid digitally myself. So I can enlarge, shrink and stretch it however I need to. It wasn't a great time saver over painting, but I'm happier with the results... though I may loathe plaid for the rest of my life after this book!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Read it again, Bunny Lady!

I had a couple of book signings/storytimes this week. Each went great and it was fun to be an author. At Sunset valley's BN I signed a book to another Regan, so that was neat. She and her brother are interested in writing and art. The signing today was fun, we had cupcakes and an easter egg hunt, which we gave a plush bunny away as a prize (it was the last egg found, talk about suspense).

Then the cutest thing, the little boy stayed afterward and asked me to read it again! I had a Wedding Crashers moment (Make me a bike, clown!) but the kid was adorable, so I got to do an encore.

And now it's sleeting?!? Maybe we'll do another egg hunt inside tomorrow! Brrrr!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Time for Enzo's Shower

Time for Enzo's Shower:

1. First we take off my collar and put cottonballs in my ear.

2. I wait while Mama has her shower.

3. When it's my turn, Mama picks me up.

4. Mama washes me while I lick the water up.

5. Then I bark at the hair dryer.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Carousel Seahorse

This is a watercolor I did today that I'm thinking about turning into a series for a show I have in July. It would be animals in a carousel like this one. I just think they're fanciful and would look neat hanging on a wall all together.

The last themed show I did was one on owls and that did well, so I hope these do, too.