Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Workin with "Santa"

Another ongoing project I'm working on is to come up with some artwork/mock up book for Mr. Lester Morris. He's been published as an author and he met me through Jo Virgil our Community Relations Manager (and over "Regan-fan"). He was born and raised in England as an Orphan and has had a book worthy life. Part of his memoir he's turned into a more lighthearted children's story, and that'd be the part I'd get my hands on.

The Santa part comes in as he's Santa when the season calls for it. He goes to kid's hospitals and special bookstore visits and even appears on television. He's a jovial elfish guy with a wicked sense of British humor, and I'm very happy to be working with him.

He's having Mike and I out to his house to hang by the pool while we talk over his book and "have a spot of tea." I'm expecting little elf cabanna boys ;) hahaha...

He was talking to Jo, who he calls a good friend, about her unfortunate divorce, and went on to say the following:

"Oh, I'm ever so sorry to hear that, Jo. But you know, my first wife died. Oh yes... poison mushrooms, very sad. And my second wife died as well. Died of a broken skull... she wouldn't eat the mushrooms."

I nearly fell out of my chair from giggles. Oh yes, he'll be a hoot to work with...

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